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Your dematerialisation

At a time when businesses are digitalising, numerous transversal requests from staff remain in an informal or paper format: from the simple request for leave to the signature of a contract, not to mention requests for remote working. The loss of time is enormous and yet the effort to dematerialise these exchanges and their validation is simple.

Your needs

Numerous dematerialisation solutions exist to ensure productivity and better monitoring: from electronic signatures to requests for the delegation of authority or the opening of job positions. The payoff: a fluid user path and effective staff adoption. It is a question of relieving staff from tedious administrative tasks to enable them to concentrate on their core activity.
Use a shared tool for staff requests
Ensure requests go from A to Z smoothly and without interruption
Reduce processing time and cut costs
Respect the compliance of validation processes

A to Z support

Clarisse Barrère
Senior consultant
Dematerialisation means improving the staff experience and facilitating their commitment to the company and thus their performance.

Satisfy and create loyalty

The solutions we master

Cut your costs and signing time by 3. Manage the monitoring and traceability of your documents in the blink of an eye and with total security.

Our Quick Win offer

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    Les données à caractère personnel qui vous sont demandées sont nécessaires pour le traitement de votre demande de contact. Elles sont destinées à Sollan, responsable du traitement et sont basées sur son intérêt légitime. Elles sont conservées pendant la durée nécessaire au traitement de la demande augmenté le cas échéant des durées de prescription légale.