Sollan has set up a chain for the production and update of the work documents used in Safran Aircraft Engines (ex-Snecma) workshops.
The solution was developed on the base of Alfresco and the XML XMetaL editor.
The mission
The project to integrate a document production and update chain has enabled Safran Aircraft Engines to manage the daily update of 40,000 to 50,000 documents.
The Alfresco system has been deployed on all sites in France. It is used by 60 ‘methods’ preparers and 600 to 700 workshop operators who have received appropriate training. The document management system will be progressively deployed on all MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) sites.
About Safran Aircraft Engines (ex. Snecma):
Safran Aircraft Engines designs, develops, produces and markets, alone or in cooperation, engines for civil and military aircraft as well as for satellites. The company also offers airline companies, aircraft operators and armed forces a full range of services for their engine maintenance, fleet management and the optimisation of their operations.

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